Blog posts


ACM SenSys 2022

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From Nov 6 to 9th, I traveled to Boston to attend ACM SenSys where I shared my work with researchers and learned about the diverse research that others did. Some professors asked insightful questions about my project, for example, is an analytical model more suitable for the task? What knowledge does the machine learning model produce? From such conversations, I learned to place my research in the context of a broader applications and question its scientific value. I also worked as a student volunteer. This gives me the chance to talk to many students and know about their PhD life.

2022 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium

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On September 30th, the 2022 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium took place in Swem Library Read & Relay Room. Among more than 50 research posters presented by W&M undergraduates, I showcased our recent research project called “Light Auditor”. In this work, we are tackling IoT privacy via power side-channel auditing. A novel covert channel attack leaks user’s private data by encoding and transmitting them through smart bulb’s infrared emission. We used a power-auditing system and a CNN model that identifies the smart bulb’s leaking of private data.